Thursday, May 17, 2012

Reflection of the Twitter List

The Twitter List link from the previous post taught me a few things about twitter. First of all, I had no idea that twitter lists were such a great way to research your topics of interest. Second, the list functions like a social bookmarking website, but it is contained within twitter. Finally, some links are not what they appear to be. For example, one link I found through my search was not about math, but someone telling about their dinner and beverages they had been enjoying a little too much.

To be included in my list the link had to fit my blog focus of technology and creativity in math. To my surprise, there were not a lot of twitter links for my search. However, some of the links I found seemed to fit my needs perfectly. One of my favorite twitter links was Creative Mathematics ‏ @Creative_Math. This twitter account has another link to their website for teacher training in math creativity using technology. I was pleased to find such a great resource and I look forward to getting more information from them.

Hopefully, other professionals will find some of the resources on my list useful. As I mentioned previously, there were not a lot of links specifically for math technology and creativity. However, I do feel that the links I found will lead to more knowledge about enhancing creativity and the use of technology in math.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed seeing your list and I think that we overlapped on many of the feeds. I found many good feeds through some of Vicki Davis Twitter lists who I saw was on your list.
