Thursday, May 17, 2012


One aspect of connectivism is that knowledge is often dynamic. Teachers and students must find an efficient way to stay current. More specifically, how does this apply to creativity in mathematics? I would say that the minute you learn a new concept, you should be thinking of ways to access updated information about that concept. One way to do this is by getting an RSS feed to that link to stay informed about any changes to that information.  Another way is to follow twitter users that give up to date information.  

Teachers and students have the capability to network with other teachers and students around the world because of Web 2.0 technology today. There may be no reason for schools to be left behind if the technology is available for those schools to connect using current technology. Students sharing information with other students on a global scale could be a way for them to engage in creative ideas with math or any other subject.  So connectivism could be a way for students to enhance their creativity in math while using technology.

Here is a link to just about everything you ever wanted to know about connectivism.

1 comment:

  1. I think the only reason schools are going to be and are left behind now goes back to money. I do definitely agree though that it as long as they have access to technology then it gives everyone a level of connectivism to resources and opportunities that they wouldn't otherwise have.
